Happy New Year! [ABUNDANCE 💲ALERT] ♑ Powerful Capricorn New Moon! A Fresh Start for a Brand New Year!

Published: Tue, 12/31/24

Updated: Tue, 12/31/24

✨Info about a powerful New Moon in Capricorn Today...✨


❤This email is infused with VERY SPECIAL Crystalline Rainbow Starlight Frequencies of Ease, Bliss, Uplifting Joy and Calm! These special Frequencies will UPlift you and infuse the energy of Ease and Bliss into your Being. As you read and breathe deeply allow the Rainbow Frequencies to wash your stress away and fill you with wonderful soothing and blissful energy as you read this email.

--> Bask in more of these amazing Rainbow Frequencies and learn about all the wonderful things they can do for you, your space and your pets!

[ https://grt4.us/RainbowFreq ]

All Rainbow Frequencies are extra-infused with the Frequencies of Optimism, Success, Resilience and Unending Joy for 30 days for the start of the New Year 2025!

Happy New Moon Right Before the New Year !

❤♑✨This intense and powerful New Moon in Capricorn turned brand New at 5:26pm: New York time (EST) (10:26pm GMT) this evening. I read the time of the New Moon in "24 hr. language" and somehow thought the Moon was new at 11:26pm New York time..... oh well!

✨YOU WRITING a brilliantly focused Abundance Check on this potent New Year's New Moon is very powerful! This is a wonderful Moon filled with the Capricorn Energy of resilience, success and abundance to set your intentions for the first month of the New Year. Keep this in mind while you choose your New Moon intentions for your New Moon Capricorn New Year Abundance Check.
Writing an Abundance Check on a New Moon is a long standing tradition - when the Moon is New is when you plant the seeds for that which you want to see bear fruit. When you write your New Moon Abundance Check you are putting your powerful intentions in writing and them turning them over to the Universe to be infused with the power of the New Moon to bear fruit.

A New Moon is the perfect time to turn over a new leaf and plant new seeds for what you want to harvest (receive). This is PERFECT for completing one year and beginning another with a potent success energized New Moon in Capricorn! (I am happy dancing around this New Moon at any time!)

When you write your New Moon Abundance Check on this CAPRICORN New Moon you are putting your powerful focused intentions into writing and them turning them over to the Universe (Consciousness) to be infused with the power of the New Moon to bear fruit in the coming month. You want to be extremely clear and focused in the wording of your intentions. General or undefined intentions do not bear fruit. Intentions using the words "I want" or "I need" do not bear fruit. Use powerful statements instead.

Write an amazing New Moon Abundance Check with all the things you desire and expect to experience in the first month of the New Year 2025. (February brings another New Moon with more opportunity for even more New Moon Abundance!)

**♑♑✨WHEN to write your powerful Capricorn New Moon - New Year Abundance Check

- This New Moon carries you through the first month of the New Year!

--->---> ALL TIMES BELOW ARE EST (New York time - UTC-5)
--> The more ♑ - the more powerful the Energy is to write your New Moon Abundance Check!

✨New Moon turned New on December 30th at 5:26 PM New York time and it is IN CAPRICORN!
♑♑♑♑ BEST! EXCELLENT to WRITE NOW all day on New Year's Eve! Moon is in Capricorn for 2 days! Can write for approximately 1-1/2 days!

❌STOP! DO NOT WRITE after January 1 2025 at 1:02am Moon Begins Void of Course

♑♑♑-GOOD AGAIN TO WRITE! On January 1 after 5:49am Moon Enters Aquarius (This is good if you want to write your New Moon check on the first day of the New Year!)

(Energy is still very good for writing your check)

❌STOP! DO NOT WRITE after January 2, 2025 at 1:12pm Moon Begins Void of Course

♑ONLY WRITE NOW IF you have totally forgotten to write your check... New Moon energy is much weaker.

---- you can write again on January 3rd after 10:21am when the Moon Enters Pisces for a few hours.

BUT ... It is MUCH BETTER to write your check on the 31st or 1st!



⏩⭐⭐1. GET A CHECK - Here are ♑TWO VERY HIGH VIBRATION ABUNDANCE CHECKS ready for you to direct their New Moon energy!

You can PRINT these checks: _Check 1: [ http://www.allabout-energy.com/Pphotos/Abundance-check.jpg ]
OR _Check 2: [ http://www.allabout-energy.com/Pphotos/Infinite_Abundance_Check.jpg ]

(You can also draw a check on a piece of paper or use a check from your check book)

⏩⭐⭐2. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS BELOW: HOW TO write your Abundance Check♦
(Follow exactly for best results)

▶⭐▶ Within 24-48 hours of the New Moon when the Moon is NOT Void of Course (see best times above) write your check (NOTE: writing within 72 hours still works)
✔ Where it says "Pay to", write your FULL NAME. (no shortcuts or nicknames here!)

✔ In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a dollar amount, write words "Paid in full"

▶⭐▶ On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a dollar amount, ALSO write words "PAID IN FULL" IN BIG BOLD TEXT! [It works better if you do not add a line after the "Paid in Full".]

✔ Sign the check with: "The Law of Abundance" *NOT* your name.

1. DO NOT put a date on the check. (will limit Power)
2. DO NOT write a specific dollar amount in the check. (will limit Abundance)
3. It's OK to draw a check on a piece of paper if you don't have a printer or a check. It works the same!
4. It is OK to write your intentions on the back of the check and in the memo section, but not elsewhere on the check.

Put your written Abundance Check in a safe place and forget about it. Turn it over to the Universe. The check is your "ask", now just hide it away and let it be to receive! Then relax and enjoy welcoming in the New Year and the Abundance!


⭐⭐ALSO.. check out a VERY SPECIAL P.S. for EVEN MORE Abundance and a 2025 Filled with Miracles!⭐⭐


Enjoy the powerful Energy of this wonderful Capricorn New Moon! Remember to write your New Moon Abundance check when the Moon is NOT Void of Course. Check the best times to write above.

❄Make sure to DOWNLOAD your very special eBook (free in the P.S.) on exactly how to make 2025 a year filled with Miracles!❄

Wishing you a Wonderful AND Powerful New Moon and New Year! ❤

With an Abundance of Love and Appreciation,
& The Collective

⭐⭐P.S. ~ FREE GIFT for an AMAZING New Year of Miracles!⭐⭐

~ Download This Amazing Book (free) for a Miraculous 2025! +

Are you ready to enter "the Miracle Zone"? It’s that place where abundance flows with ease in all areas of your life: money, relationships, health, and success. And manifestation feels as easy as snapping your fingers!

Believe it or not… miracles aren’t rare —they’re a natural part of life when you’re aligned with them!

We all have our ups and downs...and last year, 2024, has probably been no exception! (Uh..that's a YES from me!) But it IS possible to continually feel like you’re riding high on life, and miracles just seem to drop into your lap out of nowhere, even when challenges come knocking on your door.

**KNOCK! KNOCK! "Who's there?" "Igot!" "Igot WHO?" "Igot Miracles4U!"**

Want to live that "miracles everywhere experience" in 2025? I highly recommend you download and read this totally free Ebook....

✴Manifest A Life of Miracles: 4 Steps to Living in the Miracle Zone✴.
[ https://grt4.us/Your-Life-of-Miracles-Ebook ]

It’s from my good friends and bestselling authors, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Sue Morter and Lisa Nichols and they’re giving YOU this valuable Ebook for a limited time only!


⏹ The secret to aligning with miracles every single day (yes, even on the tough ones)

⏹ Why clinging to the past blocks the abundance you crave — and how to release it.

⏹ A simple shift to manifest love, wealth, and joy without burnout (yes, please!)

SO... If you’re serious about having 2025 be the year you live so many miracles in EVERY area of your life - make sure to grab this book!

✴✴Download your completely f.r.e.e copy here:

[ https://grt4.us/Your-Life-of-Miracles-Ebook ]

Wealth ~ Abundance ~ Joy NOW!
~ Be The Love That You Are ~



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